- iPhone® / iPad™ Specific Solutions
- Why You Need a Droid Optimized Website
- Why You Need a Mobile Optimized Site
- Isn't my Existing Site Mobile Optimized?
- Why a Mobile
Optimized Site Should be Your First Step - What is Mobile Optimized Marketing?
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- Important Facts about Mobile Marketing
Optimize Your Site for Mobile Devices
*iPhone® / iPad™ Specific Solutions
It’s estimated that within five years, more people will be connecting to the Internet using mobile devices than on desktop PCs. NetParadigms offers iPhone® and iPad™ custom mobile web solutions so you can effectively communicate your vision using the latest custom mobile web technology and meet your users where they are.
Our customized mobile web solutions help you capture mobile web traffic and direct users to a uniquely tailored mobile web environment. In addition to iPhone® and iPad™ mobile web customization, NetParadigms also offers custom web solutions for other mobile devices outside of the Apple/Mac family.

*iPhone® and iPad™ are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries.